Friday, June 29, 2012

Red-throated Loon: At Risk

Red-throated loons are very widespread and are not threatened worldwide, but some populations are declining and are at risk.  Factors contributing to the decline of this species include habitat degradation and loss, fishing lines, oil spills, and offshore wind turbines.  Loons, like other aquatic birds, are also negatively impacted by high levels of mercury in the environment.  These factors, combined with the natural predation on loons and their eggs by foxes and gulls, have led to declines in some populations, particularly in Alaska.

Red-throat wrapped in fishing line.
While red-throated loons are not at risk of extinction right now, it may be beneficial to protect and conserve the species with habitat enhancement and restoration.  This species is protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.

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